The Power of 3 – are you exploiting it?


Think about the Power of 3.

You may have noticed that in many aspects of life, things in threes are a common theme.  This actually starts in our early years. As a young child, everything you did and learned seemed to be centered around three, for example you had the A-B-C and also 1-2-3.  Even the stories we listened to as children had this theme – The Three Musketeers,  The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  When teaching children safety on crossing roads we have the 3 step guide – Stop, Look and Listen.

Common advice when developing presentations is to keep it to 3 main points that you want people to remember, and even the format – tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you have told them.

In many aspects of life we recognise the concept of a beginning a middle and an end – this is intuitive to us.

So how you can apply the power of three to market your business?

There are many ways that you can utilise the power of 3 in your marketing, such as:

  • Focus on three unique benefits for each of your products
  • Deliver 3 stand out points for each of your website pages
  • Have three different pricing points offering different levels of service
  • Develop 3 main take away messages for each piece of marketing content you deliver
  • Combine 3 different content tools for each of your marketing campaigns

You have a prime opportunity to exploit the Power of 3 by understanding that marketing communication isn’t a one size fits all.  People react differently to certain content or alternative delivery vehicles – some like video, some like to read reports, some want a succinct overview whilst others want detail.

Let’s explore combining 3 different content tools as an example. 

Many marketing campaigns are one dimensional – a single content piece is often used – an email, a letter, a website.  When developing your marketing campaigns, think about the messages you want to give (and utilise the power of 3) but also combine 3 content pieces in various ways, for example:

  • An email, a landing page and a video
  • An interactive PDF an animated video and an Animagraphic
  • An eBook an audio podcast and an infographic
  • A presentation, a video and a mobile friendly report
  • An interactive video, an eNewsletter and a portal
  • An eMagazine, a web presenter and a mobile App
  • A set of flashcards, an interactive presentation and an infographic PDF white paper

Just a few ideas for you to play with but if you take on board the power of three and incorporate this into your marketing, you may well impact your success rate. Best of luck.